4 thoughts on “Gear Set

  1. By the way, it’s implied that you are also very careful with your gadgets. I just want to say that I am also like that. In fact, whenever I give those gadgets that I no longer like, what the one receiving it always say, “It looks like this is new, Kuya (Brother)!

  2. I envy your “toy”. The thing is, I only use a point-&shoot cam (a GE X5) and it has been my dream to own a DLSR.

    Cool camera there!

    1. Hi Sony, thank you for dropping by. my toy is almost 4 years older and currently out of stock in the market. but bcoz DSLR is so, so expensive, i cannot upgrade. so am using its full capacity.

      Your GE X5 have a manual shooting mode, right? have u tried it? I suggest you try it and learn how to photo edit. X5 is actually in between P&S and DSLR. and its not in the camera its always in the eye of the one taking photo. I know a lot of “photogs” who own high end DSLRs but are not that good.

      Good luck to you and keep on shooting.

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